Mutant Silurian plankton indicate oceanic anoxia spread and metals poisoning in the sea … 420 million years ago. Not scifi but real life research pinpointing onset of global extinctions. Listen to radio interview of Professor Kathleen A. Campbell discussing these new research findings on Radio NZ’s Checkpoint programme.
Hey Cousin Kepler-452b!
NZAN Media Team, Kathleen Campbell, 0
"Today, Earth is a little less lonely," Kepler researcher Jon Jenkins said. According to NASA, the new planet discovered is...
NASA to announce major Martian mystery solved: liquid water flows on Mars
NZAN Media Team, Kathleen Campbell, Mars, mystery, 0
For the last two days the scientific world is bubbling at the announcement of NASA that something of a...
Europa in the news
NZAN Media Team, Europa, water vapour, 0
Europa has been in the news lately, with NASA announcing a press conference way in advance to spark our...
NZAN Media Team, Haritina Mogosanu, 0
The European Space Agency's (ESA) 12-year mission finally came to an end last week when the probe landed on...
Water on Mars: why is important for astrobiology
I Haritina Mogoșanu, Haritina Mogosanu, 0
Haritina Mogosanu and Jesse Mulligan from Radio New Zealand are discussing the importance of the discovery of liquid water...
Rotorua important to astrobiology research – NZAN in New Zealand Herald
NZAN Media Team, 0
An astrobiology conference has kicked off in Rotorua today giving students the opportunity to learn more about the possibility...
We are back on “Mars”
NZAN Media Team, Mars, MDRS, University of Canterbury, 0
New Zealand Astrobiology Network in collaboration with Mars Society New Zealand, Mars Society Australia and the University of Canterbury...
Liquid water found on Mars. What does it mean for the search for life efforts?
Kathleen Campbell, Kathleen Campbell, Mars, 0
Where there is water, there is life.