Where: Stardome Observatory, Auckland

When: 8PM, Monday, 14th of November 2016

On November the 14th, Professor Kathy Campbell will give a talk at the Auckland’s Astronomical Society monthly meeting, at the Stardome Observatory.  She will talk about  the ET impact event that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. Professor Kathy Campbell is a geologist, expert in the history of stones.

Professor Campbell was recently invited in Paul Henry’s show to talk about the new American initiative to prepare against an asteroid impact. This is not a new “fashion” but the result of the US government taking seriously years of studying the possibility of such impact. There are many scientists who have lobbied for rising awareness on this subject mater.

You can find more about a global initiative about asteroids here http://asteroidday.org/

Coincidentally, 14th of November is also the day when a press conference on how to protect ourselves from asteroids will be held in Europe.

More details at this link http://blog.asteroidday.org/2016/11/08/press-conference-november-14-at-the-nhm-berlin/

Press release follows:

LONDON, UK | BERLIN, GERMANY (8 November 2016) – The co-founder of Asteroid Day, the global movement that helps protect the world from dangerous Asteroids, the Observatoire de la Côte D’Azur, and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin will host a joint press conference on Monday, 14 November in Berlin, at 11am CET in the Museum für Naturkunde (MfN) to highlight the need for increased knowledge of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and support for the space missions necessary to protect Earth from dangerous NEO impacts.

At the press conference, a letter signed by scores of leading planetary scientists around the world, will be released to the media. The letter shows the community’s support of missions designed to increase our knowledge of asteroids and near Earth objects, in particular ESA’s Asteroid Impact Mission (www.esa.int/aim).



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