Nineteen top New Zealand researchers and scholars have been announced as Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand at a forum today, an honour which recognises true international distinction in research and scholarship.
One of them is Professor Kathleen Campbell, University of Auckland, who is at the forefront of unearthing evidence for past life in ‘extreme’ environments, thereby contributing to the search for life’s origins and bio-signatures on other planets.

FRSNZ means – Fellow Royal Society of New Zealand
Professor Kathy Campbell commented on her appointment:
“I have had so much support over the years from family, teachers, institutions and peers that it feels like this award of Fellow of the RSNZ belongs to me and to everyone who has helped me grow up and step into my higher potential in research and in communicating the wonders of science to the wider community.”
We congratulate Professor Kathy Campbell for her achievement. She is one of the greatest supporters of astrobiology in New Zealand as well as an active promoter of New Zealand to the international fora. Her dedication to the field of astrobiology is a continuous inspiration to our New Zealand astrobiology community.