

Please contact us if you are a scientist or an educator interested or actively involved in astrobiology and wish to have your name added to the list.

Who’s Who – Astrobiology New Zealand

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Dr. Edwin Budding – Exoplanets and the Implications for life

Professor Kathy Campbell – Life and Environment

Professor Ian Hawes – Life in extreme environments, Astrobiology Analogues

Dr. Harold Bernhardt – Origin and early evolution of life, specifically in relation to the RNA world hypothesis

Haritina Mogosanu – Planetary protection and Astrobiology Education

Professor Steve Pointing – Microbial life and extreme environments

Professor Anthony Poole – Experimental evolution and molecular evolution


Visiting scientists

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Are you looking for a Mentor?

If you are looking for a mentor to help you with your astrobiology project please check the SAGANet mentorship programme, where you can access the knowledge of astrobiologists from around the world.

In the meantime you might wish to check these links below, which are research projects that could be relevant to astrobiology:

NZ Research relevant to astrobiology

Extremophiles: GNS and University of Waikato – The 1000 springs project. The project also has a very active and interesting Facebook page where you can see lots of pictures and updates.

Astronomy: Exoplanets – coming soon

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