NASA planetary scientists come to New Zealand to engage with teachers and students in our own backyard
I Haritina Mogoșanu, media, New Zealand, Press Release, 0
New Zealand teachers will join a NASA Astrobiologists and New Zealand scientists in the North Island this January, 2015,...
Angélica Anglés, astrobiologist, visiting New Zealand
I Haritina Mogoșanu, 0
Dr Angélica Anglés attended the Astrobiology Australasia Meeting 2018 in June 2018 and also the Synergies in Space Mission...
a – May – zing! The Space & Science Festival is back!
I Haritina Mogoșanu, NASA, space science festival, SSF, 0
The Space & Science Festival is back for 2017! Now with three amazing events across three weekends in the...
AHiS 2021 – Setup your own plant growth chamber on Earth
I Haritina Mogoșanu, AHiS, growing plants in space, jaxa, seeds in space, seeds in space 2021, 0
How to set up your own growth chamber for your seeds, at your school on Earth.
Is there Life on Venus?
NZAN Media Team, Ian Hawes, Kathy Campbell, life on Venus, phosphine, Venus, 0
Professor Ian Hawes and Professor Kathy Campbell about the recent Venus discovery.
Hans Huybrighs, Max Planck Institute and European Space Agency (ESA)
I Haritina Mogoșanu, European Space Agency; Europa; Jupiter; Max Plank;, 0
Hans Huybrighs from Max Plank Institute is visiting Wellington. He will give a talk for the New Zealand Astrobiology...
The 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference
NZAN Media Team, Berlin, featured, Kathleen Campbell, Mars, NASA, space exploration, 0
Professor Kathy Campbell of University of Auckland and Chair of the Board of trustees for the New Zealand Astrobiology...
A talk on asteroid preparedness. Professor Kathy Campbell
NZAN Media Team, asteroid, astrobiology, Auckland Astronomical Society Meeting, New Zealand, University of Auckland, 0
Where: Stardome Observatory, Auckland When: 8PM, Monday, 14th of November 2016 On November the 14th, Professor Kathy Campbell will give a...