Join the New Zealand Astrobiology Network in celebrating the World Space Week this year. This United Nations endorsed event is observed annually from 4 to 10 of October.

Join us to celebrate World Space Week this year, from 4 to 10 of October

Why should we celebrate World Space Week ?

We owe many advancements of modern times to space research. Space is the next frontier for human exploration. We are made of stars.

If these are not good enough reasons, celebrating WSW also provides more community outreach and education for space. It is a tool to engage with our local community and helps raise the profile of space-related organisations and activities across our country.

Connect with the WSW Community from New Zealand

WSW 2024: Space & Climate Change

The theme for 2024 is 

WSW 2024: Space & Climate Change

Every year, the World Space Week Association picks a theme. The theme for 2024 is  “WSW 2024: Space & Climate Change”.

When you organise your World Space Week event,

you can use our international poster to which you can add the details of your event and your own branding.

You can download the poster and the logo for New Zealand here.

Since 2019, New Zealand Astrobiology Network is the National Coordinator of the World Space Week in New Zealand.


World Space Week is an activity supported  by the New Zealand Space Agency

What is World Space Week?

World Space Week is a United Nations-endorsed event observed every year from 4 to 10 of October all around the globe.

What can I do?

All you need to do is organise a space event,
and then register it on the World Space Week Association’s website

Do you need a speaker?

We can connect you with one of our amazing space speakers.



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